"They are blind, they only see images _ Están ciegos solo ven imágenes" _ Mahmud Shabistari Persia S.XIV.


Ascan Breuer, Ursula Hansbauer, Wolfgang Konrad, Julia Lazarus, The Voice Refugee Forum. 2005. Austria. vo English. s English, Spanish. 50’

This documentary talks about a forest in the middle of Europe, far from the urban world and from civilisation, which is home to a peculiar community of the banished - it is a world for the stranded. A diffuse system that still has total control makes sure that this world doesn't show itself, that it doesn't pop up in our reality and become a disturbance. In Forst the banished proclaim their own truth and tell the story of their empowerment. They gradually recall their identity as political refugees and start to make plans for their escape... 


En un bosque en el medio de Europa, lejos del mundo urbano y la civilización, vive una peculiar comunidad de desterrados - se trata de un mundo de abandonados. Un sistema difuso que aún mantiene un control total se encarga de asegurarse de que este mundo permanezca escondido, que no irrumpa en nuestra realidad para convertirse en una molestia. En Forst los desterrados proclaman su verdad y hablan del proceso que les ha llevado a reconocer su propio poder. Poco a poco se hacen conscientes de su condición de refugiados políticos y empiezan a planear su fuga...